By Roderick Kidston
Long ago, William Lilly stated that ‘Fixed stars give great gifts, and elevate even from poverty to an extreme height of fortune; the seven planets do not so.’ This is perhaps the most useful, succinct statement any astrologer has made about how the stars provide an additional power surge or turbo-charging which is not found solely with the various planetary symbols.
So this evening we go back to astrological basics – because the stars are truly the most basic part of our arcane art – and look anew at the stars, at their varied helps and occasional hindrances. We’ll look at some of the well-known: either well regarded or well and truly feared, and consider whether and how it is time to revision the old fears. We’ll also look at stars which nobody has investigated before, finding new meanings in strange places. There is such a depth of magic and meaning in the stars!
Roderick Kidston (Canberra Astrologer) was an early fan of adding asteroids to the astrological repertoire, and now regards a select group as essential for horoscope delineation. He has had a long interest in harmonics as well as a more integral approach to astrology linked to depth and transpersonal psychology, metaphysics and the new physics. In recent years he has returned to older work he did on the fixed stars, which is coming together in a forthcoming book The Magic of the Stars. Roderick has published on astrology in several places, taught it, given talks and workshops in several cities, and he has spoken at several conferences since 2003. Roderick is the author of an asteroid report writer for Cosmic Patterns Software, producers of Kepler and Sirius software, called "The Iris Asteroids Report." He writes an astrological blog at
Please join us for an interesting interactive evening of lively astrology.
All welcome. Tea and coffee available from 7pm.
SARS Meetings held
1st Floor of Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt St – Sydney NSW
Entry is $12 for non -members. Contact: for more information