Astrological symbolism veils a deeper reality, one that is ever shrouded in mystery. In the words of Albert Einstein “The most beautiful thing we can experience isthe mystery. It is the source of all true art and science….”
Practices old and new, reflected through the multitude of astrological systems and styles, plus the application of craft, helps us to navigate and approach this mystery. But it is the fine blade of intuition which pierces the veil.
In this presentation Bob will explore the important yet elusive nature of intuition, paralleling key spiritual teachings with samplings of the latest neuroscientific research, to illustrate how (and why) technique, skill and process, harnessed to the imaginal faculties, helps to open the door to insights and new understanding.
Bob began studying Astrology in the late 1980’s… and has never stopped! His interests are many; personal, relational, global, archetypal. In particular he is drawn to the possibilities inherent in a fusion of traditional and esoteric astrology teachings.
For the past 25 years Bob has undertaken chart readings and compiled astrological reports, including for children, focused on a free will approach where the individual’s choice is ever the key 'influence'. He has presented lectures and workshops on astrological themes (“The Rise of the Feminine”, “Mayans, Mayhem and Maya”, “Prometheus Then and Now” and “The Rulers of the Soul”), written a blog – “Across the Universe” and led regular Astrology Classes at The Leonis School, Belrose ( He is currently an AANSW member.
Bob is also a practicing Meditation and Movements Teacher and a part time author, currently part way through a book on the evolution of consciousness titled “I Am – The Enigma of Being Human”.