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Recognise your Capability

Both our natural talents and challenging experiences contribute to our capability in this lifetime. We are born with natural talents. We experience pain that shapes us. Our birth chart is a guide for recognising our capability and we can use this information to live our best life.

Our natural talents are something we develop further as our life experience expands and we pass astrological milestones. Whereas our challenging experiences can help us realise what we are truly capable of.

We’ll explore the birth charts of some famous faces to recognise the unique talents that only they can express and discover what they (and you) are really capable of.  

Penny Walters has been practising astrology for 19 years and during this time she created, wrote, produced and hosted the TV pilot 'The Stars Behind The Stars', which got the attention of the heads of department of an Australian commercial TV network. She also has 11 years of experience as an instructional designer, where she breaks down complex information and subject matter expertise into easy to understand concepts, and converts these into engaging learning experiences.

Penny has featured on Channel 7’s The Morning Show and in 2020 presented her research on the topic of ‘Why astrology fell out of favour’ at the Sydney Astrological Research Society. Penny is currently participating in a 12-month program where she has developed a principle method for realising your potential through the lens of astrology.

Ticket prices via our shop or bank transfer to the SARS bank account. Please make payment to the following account prior to the talk.

BSB: 06 2115
Acc: 0090 0606

All money goes into providing more talks for our members and guests.

Talk will be held on zoom,

3 February

World Year 5 - Chinese Year of the Metal Ox

7 April

Predicting the Future With Astrology and Tarot