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Why Astrology Fell Out of Favour

There was a time when astrology was respected, accepted and practiced by priests and popes. Kings and emperors even had their own astrologer. Astrology had credibility and it was a normal part of society. But astrology fell out of favour so much that it even became illegal to practice.

Today, astrology is misunderstood, often ridiculed, and undervalued. There is now opposition to the practice of astrology and it has the power to divide a room. This has led to astrology becoming more of an underground practice.

Penny shares her research on the subject of why astrology fell out of favour and discusses opportunities for what we can do today to bring astrology back in favour.

Penny Walters bio

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Penny has been practicing astrology for 18 years. She created, produced and featured in a TV pilot called The Stars Behind The Stars, which received interest from several TV industry bodies. She featured on The Morning Show to discuss The Stars Behind The Stars and provide celebrity predictions.

Penny is now blending her skill set of instructional design and astrology to facilitate a 2-day workshop focused on personal development and self-healing using the tool of astrology to deliver the message. As a part of preparing for this workshop she’s been researching the history of astrology to support her case that astrology is relevant, credible, and worthy of consideration.

Penny uses astrology to provide guidance and direction to help her clients restore their self-belief so they can realise their potential.

Zoom Meeting Info

Sydney Astrological Research Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SARS May Talk with Penny Walters: Why Astrology Fell Out of Favour
Time: May 6, 2020 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
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1 April

April Talk is Cancelled

3 June

Capricorn Stellium