Approximately 8% of the population are born without retrograde planets....
This speaks volumes about the amount of times planets go retrograde in the sky...
So why all the fuss?
Recently 7 heavenly bodies were going retrograde at one time…
Heavens above, what is going on?
Christina Stargazer is back… to discuss all things in reverse!!
Christina Stargazer (aka Chris Thomas ) is a consultant, researcher and writer who practices Astrology and Numerology in NSW, Australia. Christina teaches Astrology to a professional level, and has also studied with Doreen Virtue to become an advanced Angel Intuitive (.... with wings!).
Christina facilitates workshops and presents to a variety of community and social groups. She has spoken at Federation of Australian Astrologers Conferences, Breaking Down the Borders Online Conferences and co-coordinates the South Coast AANSW -affiliated Astrology Group. Christina specialises in Horary Astrology (“The Art of Asking a Question”), facilitates Circle Work.
Christina is a Co-Convenor of the 21st FAA International Conference.
Please join us for a sparkly evening of lively astrology. All welcome. Tea and coffee available from 7pm.
SARS Meetings 1st Floor of Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt St – Sydney NSW