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A Matter of Sect with Mari Garcia

The term sect derives from the Old French secte literally 'following', hence 'faction, party', from the stem of sequi 'follow'. The modern term sect however is derived from the Latin, seco which means ‘to cut’ or ‘to divide’. Sect then can be considered in two ways: as an option or choice which represents a specific view or mindset; and a division.

They are not contradictory as they describe both concepts of choice and division. In traditional astrology, Sect was one of the paramount considerations with regard to planetary strength. This lecture looks at the nature of Sect, how it is used to judge planetary strength and why it is so important. A good introduction for those with little experience in traditional astrology as well as a sound refresher for others.

Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer and educator who lives and works s in Adelaide, South Australia.  She is co-director of one of Australia's most successful astrological schools, ASTRO MUNDI.

Ticket prices via our shop or bank transfer to the SARS bank account. Please make payment to the following account prior to the talk.

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Acc: 0090 0606

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