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An Introduction to Firdaria

This first century predictive technique divides our lifespan into years, and then months, with each of the original planets stepping forward to colour our experiences throughout life. Firdaria can be used as the foundation for other predictive techniques as it shines a light on our most important lessons at any given time.

Joy Usher is an Australian astrologer who began her practice in the mid 1990s. She is co-principal of AstroMundi  and runs a busy consulting practice. She is co-author of Scala Coeli: Ladder to Heaven (2012). The culmination of her 30 years of teaching are her two books, ‘A Tiny Universe’, and the follow up book, ‘A Tiny Universe’s Companion’(2018). ‘Companion’ contains her work on planetary sect, aversion, house rulership patterns, and Firdaria. She writes regularly on her website  and is currently featured in several interviews on The Oraculos Podcast .

All welcome.



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All money goes towards providing more talks for our members and guests.

2 June

A Matter of Sect with Mari Garcia

4 August

How to Ride Life’s Major Cycles! by Christina Stargazer